Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Kardashian News

Folks, I hope you know that a home is part of their production money as in most of the homes you see on their reality show.  The clothes they wear, watches, expensive jewelry are all part of the production costs negotiated when the deal is made.  If these people paid for what they're wearing or living in, they'd be broke sooner than later.  Here's a bit of news.  Kim and her new husband will last MAYBE three years.  He won't put up with her and she won't let him make the decisions.  I feel bad for Bruce, trying to figure out what and who he is.  As for Rob, he's never been given the attention his sisters have and speaking of sisters, Kylie has grown into an absolutely gorgeous young woman, better looking than any of the sisters with a beautiful body (I hope she doesn't acquire Kris's butt - that's where the other girls got their enormous ones) gorgeous lips and overall pretty.  Kendall is tall and not that pretty, but fits in well with other models in the same category.  If Kim injects her lips any more, she'll be tripping on them.  Khloe is simply a misfit, but Kourtney is a great mother and looker, with one exception, she drinks in front of an alcoholic boyfriend.  He should get a sponsor and join AA otherwise their union is pretty much defeated.  Now, if you want to see someone on the rise, search the internet for Iggy Azalea.  She's a bit "nasty" but so cute you overlook her words.  That's another thhing about the Kardashians.  With several small children on their shows, I don't know why Los Angeles Children's Services never put a halt to the filthy language used in every episode, usually by poor Khloe.

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