Thursday, June 5, 2014

Two of my four sons are 10 months apart

My former husband, Jerry Scheff, was home from a tour and getting ready to leave on another one.  He was Elvis Presley's Bass player.  I had a new son, Jason, who was just one month old.  I was cautioned to be careful with another pregnancy because I was "ripe" for another one.  I was told to use caution, so we did.  Jerry wore a protection so I wouldn't get pregnant, however, when the love-making part was all over, the protection wasn't anywhere to be found.  I tried to find it.  Jerry tried to find it.  Neither of us could find it and really, how far up can a hand go anyway?

It was the night before Jerry was leaving for the road and we couldn't find the protection.  At that time, those "morning after" pills were not available, so what did I do?  I called my Obstetrician at 2:30am - woke him up, worried that I had gotten pregnant because I couldn't find the protection.  My Doctor said the protection would show up by either coming out by itself or if it went the opposite direction I might choke on it.  My Doctor had a weird sense of humor.

The rubber showed up in the sheets the following morning and my third son showed up 10 months later.  I considered myself very lucky because I had, at this time, three wonderful sons.  Two who traveled with me and Jerry when he went to Las Vegas for a long-term gig.

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