Wednesday, April 13, 2016

For all Republicans

My friendly Republicans.  No matter who runs on the GOP ticket, Hillary Clinton will beat anyone out of the race.  She will also follow in Obama's footsteps, honoring everything he has laid out, like Obama Care.  Why would they even call it that?  For his ego when he's out of office.  Why not "American Healthcare."

I actually voted for Obama because all I heard from his speeches was how he was going to "change" the world.  He has done some great feats - Osama Bin Laden, Hussain, but in doing so, we have lost thousands of our own men in a senseless war.  We cannot stop those who continue to set bombs off in public places.

There is no way we can predict what is going to happen next or how we're going to take out ISIS.  We just have to wait and see what will happen next.  We always seem to find the people responsible for setting off bombs.

After seeing Donald Trump's wife talk to an audience, and Heidi Cruz talk to an audience, I can see where Mrs. Cruz would fit in well as a First Lady.  Not only does she look the part, her vocabulary and speaking skills are ripe for that position.

We can speculate, judge, decide or simply question who will win the next election but no matter who is ahead now, that will change when the actual elections begin in November.

Don't throw your money away on any Republicans.  They won't win. I will say that when Hillary is asked a political question, not only does she know the answer (without looking at any notes) she also knows who was involved in the issue and the date it all happened.

We are stuck with Hillary Clinton for 8 years.  Just accept it. 

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